ConneXu Maintenance Team

Lyn Yates leads the Te Awamutu Maintenance Team. Her focus is on partnering with the team to achieve their work outcomes and guide them as a work coach, as well as enabling them to achieve nationally recognised qualifications in the work they are undertaking.
Part of the mahi is to lead the organisation’s environmental Roopu, and guide us through our climate change journey. Lyn and the maintenance team have a partnership with the Ministry of Social Development, to provide insight at a national level into the development of equitable transition strategies which will see change for the whole country as we as a nation respond to emission levels.
The grounds maintenance team will be focused on:

  • Grounds maintenance – lawns, weed maintenance and beautifying our sections.

  • In collaboration, developing capacity and capability opportunities around Waste management, the waste hierarchy includes, reusing, reducing, recycling, and composting.

  • Managing a functioning composite site at “their space “for food waste

  • Seedling rearing and developing an understanding of horticultural practices through their studies and mahi

We plan to :

  • Collaborating with partners who want to start developing gardens to build knowledge and enable them to have a from-garden-to-table cycle on their own.

  • Once our seedlings get going, we can start providing the option of free seedlings for disabled partners to grow their own kai

  • Develop some casual positions outside of the maintenance team to assist with furniture removals and house moves at set times during the week.

This an exciting journey for Lyn and the maintenance team and we are so excited to see this critical mahi come to life and become more streamlined.

Maintenance also now has a direct contact line and you can connect with them on 027 302 4378 during work hours (0800 – 1600) .

Cris Armstrong